OUR AVAILABILITY STATUS: Yes, we have availability for adult clients. To inquire about our availability, please call us at 301-500-0253 or click on the Contact Us tab below and submit an online inquiry.  We will get back to you shortly.

OUR AVAILABILITY STATUS: YES, we have availability for adult clients both via Telehealth and in-person. Please give us a call or use the "Contact Us" tab to reach out to us and we will respond as soon as possible.

Dungeons and Dragons Group and Individual Therapy

Dungeons and Dragons Group and Individual Therapy

At First Line Counseling, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had introduced Dungeons and Dragons into our therapy and used it to help our young clients ages 6-12 years old.  As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we took the kids out of the playroom, but nothing will ever take the play out of the kids! We successfully conducted this unique therapy virtually.  We were committed to finding innovative ways to keep our kids playing. Telehealth has posed challenges when working with kids but using D&D kept the clients engaged in a way that allows them to enjoy therapy while learning and growing at the same time.

Using D&D allowed our kids to work through their issues using the voices and actions of their characters in a safe and supportive environment. D&D allowed them to play out their problems in a way that traditional therapy simply could not achieve.

While playing they are learning about:

  • Frustration Tolerance
  • Love and Loss
  • Negotiations skills
  • Communications Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Mindfulness (Yes, mindfulness! We have added our own special touch that helps kids want to practice calming and relaxation skills in order to go further in the game).
  • Gratitude
  • Forgiveness
  • Empathy and Compassion

       ...and the list goes on and on.


We typically run a group of 4 children from 10-12 years old. These sessions run for 8 weeks at a time and 90 minutes-120 minutes per session.


We offer group therapy for first responders who wish to attend counseling in a group setting.

To learn more Contact us now!